Branding Chelsea Sherman Branding Chelsea Sherman

December 2021 Moodboard + Playlist

This month is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of positivity, luck, hope, success, and travel. The colors for this month are crimson red and khaki. This brand inspiration would be ideal for a business that doesn’t take itself too seriously and wants to be seen as a peer with their ideal clients such as a fashion brand, a coach, or a teacher.

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Branding Chelsea Sherman Branding Chelsea Sherman

November 2021 Moodboard + Playlist

November is ruled by Pluto, the planet of death and transformation. The colors for this month are maroon, deep reds, and black along with visuals that reflect a connection with darkness and sensuality. This brand inspiration would be ideal for a business focused on guiding others towards transformation, the creative or magic arts, and spirituality.

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Branding Chelsea Sherman Branding Chelsea Sherman

October 2021 Moodboard + Playlist

October is ruled by the planet Venus and its Libra season, allowing us to reconnect with relationships with others and our environment. The colors for this month are greens and white along with visuals that reflect romanticism and connection. This brand inspiration would be ideal for a business focused on a connection with nature, clients, or serving others such as a chef, a restaurant, a garden shop, or a service-based practitioner.

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Branding Chelsea Sherman Branding Chelsea Sherman

September 2021 Moodboard + Playlist

September, the transitory month between summer and fall is all about the intellect, matters of the mind, and rules. The colors of this month are browns and earth tones to exemplify the grounded structure of this month. This brand inspiration would be ideal for a business with values rooted in grounded energy and structure like a therapist, a lawyer, or a coach.

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Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman

August 2021 Moodboard + Playlist

August, the beautiful, hot month is all about energy, courage, and masculine life force. The colors of this month are bold and golden to highlight the drama of the season. This brand exploration would be perfect for a bold business owner who is keen on making an impact and being the center of attention.

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Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman

July 2021 Moodboard + Playlist

To riff off of the beautiful watery forces of the moon, July's moodboard is filled with a calming and cool color palette perfect for a brand that wants to communicate a soothing message. Blues often represent healing and intuition so I would recommend this brand inspiration for a healer or business in the wellness sector.

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Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman

June 2021 Moodboard + Playlist

The feeling of the brand inspiration this month is fresh, current, and experimental. I would recommend this brand aesthetic for a creative or maker who wants to make an impact and reach a youthful audience with an eye for trends. This brand has its finger on the pulse.

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Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman

May 2021 Moodboard + Playlist

The feeling of the brand inspiration this month is romantic, all about soft textures, and full of grounded earth tones. This brand inspiration is calming and versatile. I would recommend this brand aesthetic for a healer or maker who wants to have a soothing presence and grounded energy for their clients

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Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman

April 2021 Moodboard + Playlist

This month is all about equilibrium between dark and light, short days and long days, and hot and cold as we embrace the liminal space of Spring. I would recommend this brand inspiration for a maker, creative, or dreamer who would like to appeal to Millenial and GenZ clientele while appearing minimalistic and 'hot-off-the-press'.

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Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman

March 2021 Moodboard + Playlist

I created this March 2021 moodboard to represent the vibrant, fresh, and playful colors of Pisces season. This brand exploration would be great for any brand in the wellness, beauty, or retail sector that is hoping to serve female-identifying clientele.

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Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman Branding, Creative Chelsea Sherman

January 2021 Moodboard + Playlist

I created this January 2021 moodboard to represent the Pantone colors of the year, Ultimate Grey and Illuminated Yellow. This brand exploration would be great for any emerging brand starting during the pandemic because the colors represent hope and the shadows we came from. I have included a playlist filled with uplifting, heartfelt songs.

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