June 2021 Moodboard + Playlist


curious, experimental, and current

This month is ruled by the planet Mercury which propels you to satiate your curiosity about the world. Mercury is also known for matters of the mind, intellect, duality, and rules. This month and people born within it have an energy of being current with the trends and experimental. This brand inspiration is fresh, current, and experimental. I would recommend this brand aesthetic for a creative or maker who wants to make an impact and reach a youthful audience with an eye for trends. This brand has its finger on the pulse.

Vision for the Month:

This is a great time to reconsider how we would like to get curious about the world as we move out of a pandemic-induced hibernation. With summer solstice just around the corner and the weather (FINALLY) making a shift, the vibe is hopeful and energizing. With vaccinations getting distributed and calendars filling up with events it’s beginning to feel like we might get to be around other people soon.

My vision for the month is to embrace this curious energy by trying new things and shaking up the way I approach my business. I will be launching some new offerings soon and I am diving deep into some personal classes on photography and branding.

How will you approach this energy of June?

Tarot Pull:

From the Animal Spirit Deck: The Eagle: This card is about taking control of the light you possess, shining it on your shadows, and see what is made visible. This is the depths of curiosity when we explore what is painful or hidden and alchemizing it into a beautiful lesson.

Favorite Things This Month:

  1. Last weekend I had the pleasure of seeing a collaboration gallery show with these two talented photographers of color. Their work with film is so beautiful and important, I was very moved and would recommend giving them a follow!



  2. I never had the pleasure of going to summer camp but I can imagine that taking one of these workshops on botanical plant dying would be a beautiful way to recreate the feeling as an adult.

  3. I have been burning this grounding incense on repeat lately to feel centered again. I love that you can break it into small pieces and only burn a small amount at a time. This one is also so beautiful and soothing.

  4. To continue with the theme of being bold and full of duality, this crispy rice salad has been on repeat at my house over the past couple of weeks. It is full of citrusy, crunchy, spicy, and cooling flavors all chopped up into an umami bomb. Trust me when I say, you need to make this salad TONIGHT!

  5. I don't have a garden yet but will hopefully have one starting in the fall so this plant journal seems like the perfect way to document the experience and simultaneously learn about the magic of gardening.

This Month’s Playlist is filled with quirks, and kinks, and funky beats for getting you ready for summer solstice:


If you like diving in to all things branding and creativity you may like this social media guide I created:

Check Out Our Past Moodboards and Brand Explorations Here:


July 2021 Moodboard + Playlist


May 2021 Moodboard + Playlist