May 2021 Moodboard + Playlist


Earthy, sensual, alive


This month is ruled by the astrological sign of Taurus and the planet, Venus. The energy of Taurus and Venus is all about earthly, sensual connection, beauty, love, gratitude, and creativity. The feeling of the brand inspiration I created for this month is romantic, all about soft textures, and full of grounded earth tones. This brand inspiration is calming and versatile. I would recommend this brand aesthetic for a healer or maker who wants to have a soothing presence and grounded energy for their clients.

Vision for the Month:

This is a potent time to come back to ourselves, to get grounded after the windy energy of April, and to find pleasure in all aspects of our lives. When we can fully experience pleasure, it allows us to connect with divine energy beyond ourselves. And this is where creativity thrives. We can be in flow with our truest nature and embrace the beautiful whims of spontaneity all the while feeling grounded in the little details. I plan on embracing this energy this month by focusing on finding pleasure in all aspects of my life. How can I enjoy the taste of my food more, the feeling of a cool shower, or the sight of a beautiful blossom?I always feel more creative when I am more connected with the environment around me.

What are your visions for May?

Tarot Pull:

From the Animal Spirit Deck: The Sea Serpent: The energy of this card is all about healing emotions wounds and expressing desires. It is a card of expression whether it be emotional, creative, sensual, or desired. This card helps us to direct our energy into a healthy current so we can express ourselves without doubt or fear.

Favorite Things This Month:

  1. This Australian artist, Lilli Waters, creates the most beautiful Venusian photographs. I am always mesmerized by how she integrates the human form with the landscape.

  2. There is nothing more Venusian than a gua sha ritual. Gua sha seems to have kicked the little jade face rollers to the curb, which I find somehow hilarious and sad at the same time. It seems like there is always some new trend in skincare but what I do appreciate about this tool is that regardless of the benefits, it feels really good, and it’s a beautifully intimate way to connect with your own body and give yourself some thoughtful attention.

  3. One of my favorite practices for feeling grounded is eating hearty and satisfying veggies. This broccolini dish with chili hazelnuts and whipped tahini is top of my list for recipes to try.

  4. This smokeless incense is the perfect way to connect with Venus and yourself. I always find that using scent is a beautiful way to get present, grounded, and feel centered when the outside world feels chaotic. You could also create this ritual with some fresh-cut flowers, a candle, or your favorite essential oils.

  5. This book has been blowing my mind and really inspiring me to fully embrace my sensuality and my femininity. I am only about halfway through but I have already made soooo many notes.

  6. This book is the OG of reclaiming the feminine and although it’s a bit of a trudge to get through, the nuggets of wisdom are absolutely worth it. The folk tales that are woven through are such a beautiful way to understand the woman's role in our varying cultures.

This Month’s Playlist is all about grounding beats and sensual vocals:


If you like diving in to all things branding and creativity you may like this social media guide I created:

Check Out Our Past Moodboards and Brand Explorations Here:


June 2021 Moodboard + Playlist


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