10 Reasons Why Content Creation Is Essential for Your Intuitive Biz

Dancer in the mirror, creating content is essential for your business.

Content creation is one of the absolute best things you can do for your intuitive business.

Running a one-human show is challenging but having a foundation and a plan that helps your business grow without a constant mental effort, is well worth the initial time invested.

Last year during the pandemic, I signed up for a course, The Profitable Content Creator Lab (PCCL), to learn how to build these frameworks and develop a strategy for creating content without so much confusion and struggle.

You can read all about my experience here, but the course empowered me to make passive income through the content I was already working so hard to create.

The most important things I learned from PCCL about content creation are:

  1. Content allows you to build your audience organically (fuck off algorithms)

    When you share free and valuable information with your community, it gives people a reason to continue returning to your website, page, or profile. The people who follow your content consistently will know when to look for your recent posts and won't have to rely on any algorithms to be exposed to your work.

  2. You don't have to rely on Instagram to grow your following

    Instagram is lovely for visuals and sometimes for connecting with community members, however it is not the only way to grow your following. When you use content strategically, your ideal clients will be able to find you in other ways such as your blog, newsletter, Pinterest, Youtube channel, TikTok, or Podcast.

  3. An email newsletter is Queen and you should have one like, yesterday

    If you have a small business and you don't already have an email newsletter, you should start creating one now. Email newsletters are the best way to directly communicate with your ideal clients and let them know you have exactly what they are looking for.

  4. Creating free content is a great way to build trust with your community

    When you create free and valuable content on a consistent basis and share it with your community in a reliable way (i.e. sending out a weekly newsletter on the same day each week) your audience will begin to know when to look out for your work and will trust your ability to always be sharing great information. You will become the expert in your field and they will think of you whenever they have a problem or question related to your work.

  5. Your content can allow your ideal clients to learn more about you

    It takes a long time to build relationships and it's not always easy to do so with multiple people at once, so content can be a great way to show your ideal clients more about who you are and what you value so they can begin to know, like, and trust you.

  6. Having a content strategy and structure leaves room for magic and fun

    Creating content can feel daunting and difficult but if you take some time to build out a calendar for the month, quarter, or year and give yourself a strategic plan, it will be far easier. You can even implore your magical and intuitive tools such as the Tarot, The Akashic Records, Magic Spells, or imagery to help inspire your content when you are feeling stuck.

  7. Pinterest is excellent for getting more eyes on your content

    If you have a slew of blog posts, Youtube videos, or podcasts that are sitting out on the Internet waiting to get eyes and ears on them, make sure you are creating Pinterest Pins that lead back to your content. Pinterest is one of the best ways to get organic traffic to your website and boost your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). And it's free!

  8. You can repurpose your content across channels

    No need to reinvent the wheel here. Write one blog post or create one video and then use snippets of that content on your IG, your TikTok, your newsletter, etc.

  9. You can turn your brilliant ideas into a digital product or service

    Instead of becoming spread thin from trying to service lots of clients or customers, take one of your offerings and turn it into a digital product you can sell with little to no effort, making passive income. so that you can spend your time doing the important things for your biz.

  10. Your content will serve as your workhorse for spreading your message.

    Even if you don't have your own business, you can create this kind of content ecosystem for other people and get paid good money for it. The messages you want to share and enjoy sharing will become more and more clear, the more you create.

In conclusion,

As a photographer, I always had an intuitive sense that having a variety of content would be useful for my business. However, I didn't realize that I could intentionally create content that would allow my business to grow organically and with ease. I felt so empowered after taking the Profitable Content Creator Lab from Holisticism and have been able to help others find structure and flow with their business' content too.

Content creation can be the hero of your business, working for you behind the scenes so that you can focus on the bigger picture and share your gifts with the people who need them most.

If you would like to learn how to create content in a strategic, thoughtful, profitable, magical, and fun way, I highly suggest signing up for PCCL, a brilliant course about creating profitable content.

You can check out the Profitable Content Creator Lab here!

And find out more about the Holisticism community on their website or Instagram.

You will gain so many practical tools and be delighted by the sparkly magic that comes along with them. Feel free to reach out with any questions and I will answer them as best as I can!



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