My AM/PM Routine for Creative Inspiration


Getting in the creative mood is hard, like really hard. Most of our day-to-day activities make it a struggle because we are using different parts of our brains to complete our tasks. This is why we are focused on finding the magic in the mundane this month and romanticizing our lives so that we can seduce ourselves into creative output. To ensure I can keep my creative flow going, I like to infuse my dull daily tasks with a dash of whimsy.

There is a reason that athletes practice before a big game and in a way, this is the same concept. As we use and stretch our creative muscles, we begin to find them easier to access and put to use.

So I would like to share with you my AM and PM routine for accessing my creativity in hopes that it will help you too. Feel free to try on parts of this that resonate with you.


Visualize how I want my day to feel

First thing in the morning, I lay in bed and do a little daydreaming. I visualize how I want the day to feel and imagine the next moves that will make it a great day. This is also a great excuse for staying cozy under the covers.

Make the bed

This might sound stupidly obvious, but making the bed is one of the most essential parts of my routine. It gives me a clear ritual that signifies the ending of the night and the beginning of the day and checking something off my to-do list first thing in the morning gives me a little hit of dopamine.

Clean my mouth

I scrape my tongue (an ayurvedic practice that gets the bacteria off of my tongue), brush my teeth, and visualize all of the negative thoughts of the previous day washing away.

Splash my face

I like using rose water to wake up my senses and bring me some joy. This one is excellent, very affordable, and you can usually find it in your local health food store.

Drink warm lemon water

I don't always remember this step, but when I do, I always feel better. I add half cool water and half hot to make it the perfect temperature. It helps with hydration and detoxification first thing in the morning.


This step has been the biggest game-changer for staying focused and reducing my anxiety. I have recently started doing a Kundalini practice with this teacher and I love the element of music and mantra.

Brewing and crafting my coffee

I like to speak or think intentions for the day into my coffee as I am making it. Then when I drink it, it feels like I am gaining some magical powers (the caffeine doesn't hurt either).

Set the mood

I light a candle or incense, turn on a playlist, and set the scene to get my creative juices flowing. This is one of my favorite morning playlists. Remember, sometimes your creativity needs a little seducing to come out and play, just like a partner.

Dive straight into the juicy parts of work

I don't even mess with email until the end of the day. I want to use my creative energy while I have it. However, if you feel more creative towards the end of the day, you can plan your schedule to accommodate that.


Late morning, I usually make a comforting porridge or eat some fruit and take my vitamins. Right now Vitamin D and probiotics are in heavy rotation as I adjust to living in a new environment.


Take a break

In the early afternoon, I take a break to eat away from my computer or my projects and give my eyes a chance to rest.


I find a good stopping point in my projects and then give myself a chance to move. I love taking dance, pilates, or yoga classes or taking a long walk around the neighborhood to refresh my brain.

Work a little more

I usually return to work for a couple more hours, this is when I answer emails and do admin tasks that feel less exciting and require less brainpower.

Plan dinner

During the week, I usually cook at home and try to make healthy and nutritious food so that I can be more exploratory and indulgent on the weekends.


I like to light some candles, play some soothing music, and work on a knitting project or read something inspiring.


I've been dry brushing beforehand to help with circulation and get the stagnant lymph moving out of my body (it also makes my skin very soft). Sometimes I will use salt in the shower if I feel like I need to cleanse off any stale energy. Just a little bit of table salt on the back of the neck and the soles of the feet feels great. When I get out, I massage a little oil into my skin and feel extra relaxed.

Braid my hair

I have lots of hair that gets unruly so I braid it to keep it untangled and like to infuse it with intentions of inspiring dreams and restful sleep.

Brush my teeth

And I try to always floss and give myself a face massage with a little oil or moisturizer. Again, this helps move lymph out of my face and mostly it just feels good.

Slip into bed

I read a bit there before I am ready to fall asleep.


This sounds like a lot when it's all written out but really it’s just the usual motions of the day, infused with a little more magic to keep things inspiring. This is my weekday routine but on the weekends I also like to do cultural activities like seeing a movie or visiting a museum or new restaurant to keep myself inspired.

Sometimes inspiration is like a well that you have to keep filling in order for it to feed you in return. I don't always complete all of these steps but I use this as a guideline for understanding that when I follow a structure that feels fun and uplifting, I feel happy and creative.

When you nourish your creative energy just as you would your hunger or your thirst, you will find it pays you back.

Reading about other people's routines is one of my favorite things, so please, drop your favorite steps in the comments.



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