March 2021 Moodboard + Playlist


searching for the gold linings


The astrological sign of March is Pisces. Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune creating an otherworldly sense of dreaminess. Pisces is known for breaking down barriers between people and reality and dreams. It's such a beautiful time of year to be in this sign because I like to think of it as the culmination of all the internal hard work we have been doing all winter and now we can explore what kind of dreams we want to bring to fruition when the seasons shift from Winter to Spring. It's an emotional and dramatic time full of dualities and liminality.

If we let ourselves get too wrapped up in the in-between we may feel frustrated but if we relax into the unknown and let the ebbs and flows of our energy, our momentum, and our grace take us, then we can really begin to see the gold linings. One of my personal favorite ways to truly embrace this energy is to turn up some high-volume music and dance!

The colors of the moodboard are about daydreaming and seeing the beauty in the times ahead. This particular brand inspiration and color palette are perfect for any business in the wellness, beauty, or retail sector that uses intuitive practices and likes to connect with its clients on a deeper level.

Intentions This Month:

My intentions for this month are to stay true to my word both to myself and those around me. I find that when I get distracted, I tend to forget about all of the promises I made and set myself up for failure. I will achieve this by taking on fewer responsibilities and really getting present so that I can focus on the tasks at hand.

I am also focusing on the color lavender and using it to help me dream big. Maybe you have also felt that in confinement, it has been easy to think small and forget that we have the opportunity to grow so much bigger than the container we have given ourselves.

Tarot Pull:

From the Animal Spirit Deck: the Lion: Regal and a true master. Be careful to not become too isolated or serious and tune in to your greatest powers by meditating daily and surrounding yourself with meaningful friends.

Favorite Things This Month:

  1. In February I was feeling in need of some community and accountability so I joined Benshen course, an online meditation and prosperity workshop, and my world was changed. The Kundalini meditations are magical and cathartic. Desiree, the facilitator has monthly workshops and free public events as well if you aren't ready for a month-long commitment. This practice has helped to ground and center me so that I can feel safe to be creative.

  2. I recently purchased this washable silk jumpsuit and I have to say this thing is incredible. I don't think I have taken it off since and it works well for meditating, dancing, sleeping, napping, working, and looks classy enough to run to the store. 

    I purchased mine second-hand from here.

  3. I have been working on cutting back on caffeine consumption due to some adrenal concerns and I just started drinking this Mudwtr this week. It's satisfying and warming with lots of spices, adaptogens, cacao, and healthy mushrooms. I have been making mine bulletproof style with a little MCT Oil and butter and it is *chefs kiss* delightful.

    You can get $10 off your first order here!

  4. With Spring coming I have been highly anticipating the scent of flowers. My favorite candle producer, Boy Smells, just released their first line of fragrances that are geared towards expressing the full range of your gender, however you identify, and they all sound divine. I am definitely considering the Rose Load.

    This one from another clean beauty brand also looks beautiful.

  5. I am a sucker for anything to do with hidden secrets, treasure, or found artifacts. This chest of sealed letters is so cool, I wish I could read them all and of course my mind is reeling about why they were never delivered or opened in the first place.

This Month’s Playlist is all about dancing baby:


If you like diving in to all things branding and creativity you may like this social media guide I created:

Check Out Our Past Moodboards and Brand Explorations Here:


April 2021 Moodboard + Playlist


February 2021 Moodboard + Playlist