Lifestyle, Travel Chelsea Sherman Lifestyle, Travel Chelsea Sherman

Lessons I’ve Learned in Barcelona Quarantine

I wanted to write about quarantine from the beginning, I really did, but I stopped myself—if I talk about it, I will have to face the reality that my day to day life is really no different than before. And if I admit that, then I really am the isolationist I’ve been pretending I am not. But here I am, day 50 something into the lockdown

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Creative, Lifestyle, Series Chelsea Sherman Creative, Lifestyle, Series Chelsea Sherman

The Artist | 12 Jungian Archetypes Self-Portrait Series

The 12 Archetypes of personality, chosen by Carl Jung, are the foundations for characters in movies, literature, art, and the life where we live and breathe. I am exploring all 12 of the archetypes through self-portraits and embodying each as I understand them within myself. Along with the portraits, I have included a playlist that represents each personality to me, I hope you enjoy this playful exploration!

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Creative, Lifestyle Chelsea Sherman Creative, Lifestyle Chelsea Sherman

The Lover | 12 Jungian Archetypes Self-Portrait Series

The 12 Archetypes of personality, chosen by Carl Jung, are the foundations for characters in movies, literature, art, and the life where we live and breathe. I am exploring all 12 of the archetypes through self-portraits and embodying each as I understand them within myself. Along with the portraits, I have included a playlist that represents each personality to me, I hope you enjoy this playful exploration!

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