7 Days to Sensual Creativity


Does this pandemic have you in a funk, a creative block, or feel disconnected from your body and your mind? Yep! Me too!

In this post I am going to give you an exercise for 7 days using the 6 senses to reconnect with your body, connect with your intuition, and reawaken your creativity. Consider these questions before you begin:

What does it mean to touch a peach? Not kind of touch a peach, but really touch it. To feel the soft, fuzzy skin against yours, to smell the light perfume, to see it fully with your eyes, to taste it with your mouth, juicy like summertime?

How do you feel in your body? Do you notice the way it feels against your chair? How often are you breathing? What does your mouth taste like?

Exploring the world with all of your senses is a practice that brings you into the present moment, awakens you to the beauty of life, and sets your creativity on fire. I might be completely outing my inner Scorpio right now, but trust me, this practice is incredible.

Try the exercises below for 7 days in a row and take note of how you feel each day. Maybe pull out a journal and record your findings. Do you feel more connected to your body? Do you feel more present? Are you feeling inspired?

Day One:


Take today to really connect with your finger tips, your skin, and all the little hairs on your body that act as receptors. Notice the textures of all things.

What is the texture of your clothing as it touches your body?

What does the wall outside your house feel like? Is it rough? Is it smooth? What is the feeling of the material?

Walk around today and touch your environment (only with consent of course). What does warmth feel like? Or the cool breeze? How does metal feel different from wood? Explore and play. Notice how movement feels. Move your body in new ways, get creative, see what it feels like.

Day Two


Everything you ingest today should have a deeper meaning than purely nourishment. What do the flavors remind you of? Were you transported anywhere else?

Savor each bite and explore the way taste shows up throughout the day even if you aren’t ingesting anything.

Can you taste things that you never directly put in your mouth? Can you taste emotions? What is the palette of sadness vs. happiness? What does your mouth taste like in the resting state?

Day Three


Smell everything today.

If you go to the grocery store, pick up the fruits and veggies and really smell them. Close your eyes when you do this so that you can understand the true essence of just the scent. You might look like a crazy person but it’s worth it.

Are there flowers or plants where you live? What about dust or dirt? What does your own skin smell like? Everything has a smell. Explore it.

Day Four


Take today to listen deeply.

When a room is quiet, are there still sounds? Where are they coming from? What do you hear on the streets?

Listen to a song you really love and close your eyes. Can you hear every little sound? What does it feel like in your body? Where does the sound take you? How do you create sound? Where do you feel the vibrations of sound?

Day Five


Today, open your eyes wide and take in your surroundings. Observe everything.

What does each color look like when you are really paying attention? How does your window bend the light from outside? What shapes does it make?

Look at all the lines, wrinkles, marks of your skin. What does your hand look like when you bend it into different positions? Is it smaller or bigger than you remember? When was the last time you observed your hands?

Day Six


Spend today noticing each sense. How do they relate to one another? How do they help you relate to your environment? What would it be like if you didn't have access to one?

If you close your eyes, how does that increase your ability to smell, hear, and feel? If you cover your ears, how does that change your vision? Your taste?

Notice how connecting with all of your senses makes you feel in your body and your environment. Are you more aware? More connected?

Day Seven


Today is about the sixth sense, the intuition.

Now that you have had a few days to connect intimately with all of your senses together and separately, you can begin to think about how your intuition is connected to your sensual body. Do you feel more in tune with your spiritual body after paying close attention to your physical one?

Create something inspired by this experience. Before you begin find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Do a quick body scan and check in with each body part. What are you seeing? What can you taste? What are you hearing? What does your room smell like? What does your body feel like when you touch it? Take 3-5 cycles of deep breaths.

Now use those feelings, sensations, and emotions as inspiration to create something. It could be a poem, a photograph, a doodle, a dance, a song, or whatever kind of expression you enjoy. This is using the sixth sense, the intuition. the deeper knowing.


How do you feel? Has this week brought up anything for you that you didn’t expect? Are you feeling more inspired and creative? This exercise can be used whenever you are feeling disconnected from your environment or your body. If your environment doesn’t feel safe to explore this right now, feel free to just breathe and imagine how each of these exercises would feel. Our bodies often know a lot more than we give them credit for.

Let me know how this exercise went for you in the comments below and if you created something you would like to share, please tag your image #sixsenseschallenge so I can cheer you on!



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