Following Muse: An Interview with Creative Makeup Artist Rachel Pagan

Rachel Nicole Pagan


Welcome to our new series, Following Muse, Interviews with Self-Employed Creatives, Makers, and Healers. Our mission with this new series is to introduce you to your peers in various industries and provide some inspiration for your own work or dreams. The people around us are beautiful mirrors that show us hidden aspects of ourselves, desires we didn’t know we had, and the parts of ourselves that perhaps we would like to focus on more often. This is also part of our effort to focus on community over competition. This is a space where we can support one another, lift each other up, and praise each other’s gifts and talents. So, without further ado, I am so honored to introduce you to Rachel Nicole Pagan! She is an incredibly talented makeup artist, mother, and all around creative. Her colorful videos on Instagram make me smile and her gifts never cease to amaze me. Let’s dive in!

Tell us a bit about who you are and the creative work you do:

I am a mother, artist and connector. I love freedom of expression through movement, music and all art forms. I crave personal space, love long baths, and adore my family beyond belief. I value all my relationships and want to be the best version of myself. I get inspired easily and can be impulsive when I feel pulled towards something strongly. I am a dreamer + doer! I like to speak things into existence and am wildly rebellious. I am fiery, fierce and passionate!

What is your cultural background or upbringing?

I was raised in a reformed jewish upbringing. I connect to my cultural upbringing mostly through spiritual practices, but not religious beliefs. I consider myself a spiritually intuitive being. Being named after my grandma Rochelle, whom I never got to meet but was told stories about, I felt connected to her from an early age and still do. She is a huge source of why I feel connected to the spiritual realm.

What are your big picture, big dream visions for your life and what you do?

I am a connector and collaborator at heart. I get lit up when I am creating and around like-minded people who inspire one another. My big picture dreams are to work with inspiring and innovative people, travel for work and immerse myself into culture + art, build a life that supports creativity, depth, trustworthiness, compassion, loyalty, and creative freedom. I would love to build a creative agency + space where artists can thrive through their artistic expression.

What projects are you currently working on that you are excited about?

I'm working on myself!! Human design has been a huge source of comfort lately, and I fully resonate with it! I love learning about my design everyday!

What are your biggest pain points as a creative? As a small business owner?

As a freelancer for most of my career, I feel the ebbs and flows of being self employed. Imposter syndrome creeps in often, so I have to practice being grounded and more mindful so I don't spin out of control. It's a process for sure. I do my best to be aware of how I'm feeling and what triggers me.

How do you get yourself into a flow state to create? Do you have any rituals you enjoy performing?

Digital content has given me inspo lately, whether it’s my instagram feed, movies, or tv shows, there are such innovative and creative artistic expressions on those platforms. Sometimes an idea will just come to me, and I like to act on it.

What was your favorite thing to do as a child? 

Play, dance, and connect with others.

Are there any cycles of nature that you pay attention to? How do you align your life with them?

The moon cycles I really resonate with. I feel connected on all levels. Sometimes unexplainable.

What's the closest thing to real magic in your opinion?

Speaking things into existence and showing up fully!

What’s inspiring you lately?

Discover weekly via spotify is so inspiring! I love music so much! Bo Bernam's "Inside" is my new favorite art piece on Netflix.

How do you find inspiration?

Movement, music, people, nature, the universe!

Favorite song of the moment?

Another Love by Little Dragon is always a fav!

Favorite way to connect with your six senses?

Through movement + music.

Is there a question you have never been asked but always wanted to answer?

I would love to continue to be part of inspiring and collaborative projects, so any opportunity to be asked and invited in lights me up. It's what keep me motivated and inspired to create.

Thank you so much for sharing your incredible gifts and inspiration Rachel! If you would like to explore Rachel’s work you can visit her website or check out her amazing videos on Instagram!


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