30 Years and 30s Lessons + A Moodboard and Playlist

30 lessons in 30 years


November’s moodboard is a little different than our usual, This last month I celebrated my 30th birthday, one I had been nervous about due to its societal importance. It got me thinking about what I would like to call in for my life in the decade moving forward and what some of the lessons that I have learned in the last 30 years have been. I created this moodboard to reflect the kind of life I would like to live. It's dreamy, earthy, creative, and a little bit moody (how I like it). I intend for my days to be filled with the things that bring me pleasure and bring me closer to my aspirations.

The 30 lessons I have learned in 30 years:

These are the 30 lessons I have learned in the last 30 years. There have obviously been far more than 30 but this is a starting place for reflection.

  1. Learn to love yourself fiercely. If you can't do it, no one can

  2. Love the body you've been given. Things change quickly, appreciate your beautiful body right now and show it lots of love. Give it the nutrients it needs, the movement it needs, dress it and adorn it in things that feel good, and photograph it please.

  3. Listen to yourself above all others. Sometimes the voices of others will cause you to mistrust yourself, but your gut always knows best.

  4. Play a lot.

  5. When you deeply love someone, don't give up when it gets hard or stagnant. Things aren't always easy, don't convince yourself they could be

  6. On the other side of that, if something isn't good for you and you are feeling pain because of it, let it go. Whether it be friendships, relationships, jobs, etc. If it's no longer serving you, it's not worth wasting any more time on

  7. Create as much art as possible. Our time is limited and our creativity knows no bounds

  8. You have the power to make your life what you want. We all have our struggles and traumas, but you can seek-out the tools to helps yourself and shift your perspective. Some things can be blamed on our parents, but the way we handle ourselves day to day is all on us.

  9. If you grow up amongst chaos does not mean you are doomed for it.

  10. Don't be afraid of money and take care of her like you treasure her

  11. Your cycle does not have to be miserable and painful, you have the power to change that too.

  12. Rituals are important for connecting with your purpose, your guides, and getting things done.

  13. Our planet is vitally important and you can take care of her in every way possible.

  14. Quality over quantity for everything

  15. Don't be afraid to be weird

  16. The amount of friends you have doesn't matter, it's about how the ones you have make you feel

  17. Follow what makes your heart flutter. If you feel really excited or nervous about something, go for it, it's probably a sign.

  18. You can love people and still disagree with them. Those two things are not bound together.

  19. When you feel anxious or depressed, move around, dance it out, play your favorite music really loud and it will create a catharsis.

  20. You can change the rules for marriage, parenting, being a boss etc. The paradigm shift has to begin with you and you get to choose how you want to show up for the roles in your life.

  21. When someone offers you a drink and you don't feel like drinking you can say no. Just because it's free doesn't make it good for you.

  22. Investing in yourself is important. When you show yourself what you deserve, you work harder to prove yourself right and the results are incredible.

  23. A good set of knives is a should never be underestimated.

  24. You are allowed to take as much time as you need to come to decisions for yourself, don't let others pressure you.

  25. Fashion is not frivolous, it's an act of deep self-care to express yourself.

  26. Find foods that deeply nourish you and bring you joy, listen to your body not the influencers

  27. Stand up for yourself even when it's scary. There is nothing more empowering or freeing. (still working on this one)

  28. Plants are magic, don't ever forget that.

  29. Some days you will feel sad, depressed, lonely, out of sorts, and that's okay.

  30. Home is a feeling inside yourself, not a place or an object.

Tarot Pull:

From the Animal Spirit Deck: The Firefly: the firefly card indicates a moment of inspiration or awakening that quickly fades if we do not catch it...our job is to be ready to harness this creative spirit when it graces our path.

If you are feeling burnt out or dull, write a poem, draw, express yourself.

Favorite Things This Month:

  1. Now that we are spending so much time indoors these days, the idea of comfort and soothing textures have become more important than ever. This article has a fun explanation for why everything in the design world (websites and graphics included) is in the shape of blobs. Blobs unite!

  2. Something about COVID has created a resurgence of hand-crafts, baking bread, and going back to traditional ways of doing things. There is something soothing about returning to our roots. This article is a guide to Cottagecore so now you can be like Marie Antoinette in her country home too!

  3. If fresh air or a change of scenery is what you crave but travel is not possible, check out this new site that allows you to "swap" windows with someone else in the world. Maybe you can light up a garden scented candle like this one and gaze out of an Italian window and daydream.

  4. My incredible friend Rosa whom I have mentioned in here before, just created a moon calendar for the month of December to help you get creatively aligned. It's so beautiful and informative. If you would like to get more connected to the natural cycles of the planet and get your creative juices going for the winter, you can grab yours here.

This Month’s Playlist is Slow Burn:

The end of the year feels like a winding down before we turn inward for the winter. This playlist is a slow burn. It's mellow but incredibly groovy if you want to do some sexy moves in your kitchen.


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