Reflections on Living in Spain for One Year

It’s been one year and one month since I moved to barcelona.


It has quickly become my favorite home, but it has also come with its fair share of challenges.

More than anything, living abroad has taught me empathy in ways I didn't fully understand before.

Constantly questioning whether I am understanding people correctly or if they are understanding me is exhausting. I deeply worry about things being lost in translation even when having conversations in English simply because of the fact that we grew up speaking different languages and come from a culture that operates differently. I definitely overthink it, but it's so important to feel accepted and understood.

My greatest empathy lies with immigrants who make their lives all over the world for different reasons, a lot of the time for reasons that are more serious than mine. They face such incredible adversity, particularly in the U.S. and I wonder, isn't life already difficult enough?

Learning another language is tough, understanding how to pay your bills in another country is tough, getting a job is really really tough.

I am certainly not complaining though. I have a unique opportunity to be able to live in a beautiful location and pursue my dreams. Being outside of my comfort zone is a small price to pay and honestly it makes me a more understanding person because of it.

I think everyone should live somewhere abroad at some point in their life if they can. It allows you to appreciate the things at home that maybe you would otherwise take for granted and it helps you see that the bubble created within our home culture is simply that. A bubble and outside of that bubble are so many opinions, types of people, personalities, languages, and customs. Travel isn't important because it allows us to see something pretty and enjoy ourselves. Travel is important because it's hard and messy sometimes. It's important because we learn that there are other ways of doing things that can actually make a lot more sense.

And travel is important because if we allow ourselves to learn the deeper lessons of discomfort, we can become better citizens of the world.

These are the lessons I have learned this year:

  1. Learning another language takes time. Be gentle and patient with yourself, it is a lifelong journey.

  2. Adaptability is key for embodying a new way of life. 2020 has taught us all that the power of our mindset amidst the chaos is so important to feel okay.

  3. Bureaucracy sucks no matter where you live. Give yourself plenty of time to do anything that might involve paperwork.

  4. Regular checkins with family and friends are really important, even if you are independent and introverted it’s nice to know you aren’t alone.

  5. Living abroad teaches you empathy in so many ways, even if you are already an empathic person (trust me, I am a triple water sign, Projector in Human Design and I thought I was empathic before!)


If these thought resonated with you or you would like to know more about living abroad, drop me a line in the comments below, and I would love to chat!


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